Thursday, March 20, 2014

Gold Coin Mufti Day

Just a reminder that tomorrow for a gold coin donation, the children can mufti.  This is to raise awareness for Shave for a Cure and Breast Cancer.
You may see some of the teachers wearing pink in support of this too!

Here is the snippet from this weeks newsletter in case you missed it and would like more information about the charities Willowbank support as well as how to purchase a ticket for the PINK RAFFLE...
Each year we collect donations for a number of New Zealand charities. This week we are raising money forSHAVE FOR A CURE and Breast Cancer Awareness.Shave for a Cure is Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand's signature fundraising event. Six kiwis a day are diagnosed with a cancer or related condition. Most of us will know someone who has been affected in some way by cancer. Please support Willowbank's collection by donating a gold coin each afternoon as you drive in to the Drop Off Zone and for another Gold Coin donation, your child can wear mufti on Friday.  We will add our funds to those raised by Meryn Crocker-London, a St John's ambulance services employee, who shaved her very long locks off on Friday in support of SHAVE FOR A CURE. You can further support these excellent charities by purchasing a ticket in the pink raffle we currently have on display in the office. We only have the raffle for one more day so be quick! Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Thank you in anticipation for your support. 

Nature Trail Working Bee

Willowbank is having a Nature Trail Working Bee this Saturday 22nd of March from 8am-12pm, to tidy up the Nature Trail. 
If you are keen and able to help with any of the gardening tasks please email Sarah Blong to put your name down ( or just turn up on the day.
It would be great to see some of the parents and children from room 21 out and about helping on the day, and even if you're only able to help for part of the time this would be greatly appreciated! Bring along your gardening gloves and we will supply the morning tea.

It would be great to see the Nature Trail returned to its former glory so that all the children can benefit from it once again.

Saturday, March 01, 2014


Just a reminder that our library day has now changed to Mondays.