Wednesday, April 25, 2012


We will be starting report writing on frogs in week 2 and then monarch butterflies in week 3. Check out this slideshow to learn more about frogs!
View more PowerPoint from Gina Grant

Week 1, Term 2

Welcome back to school everyone! It was great to see all of your gorgeous smiles this week! 

 A reminder to parents that Ms Naus and her husband will be shaving their beautiful long locks at school this Friday (27th April) at 11:30am for Shave for a Cure. Unfortunately only the year 4-6 children will be attending this, but we welcome parents and the community to come along and support Annelies and Sam on the day. 

Check out their Shave for a Cure profile here:  and feel free to donate to this worthy cause

Team 3 is presenting the Whole School Assembly on Friday afternoon in Week 2 (4th May) and we would love to have parents and grandparents come along to see what we have been up to in class recently.

Monday, April 23, 2012

ANZAC Biscuits

Room 8 will be making ANZAC biscuits on Friday morning. A notice will be coming home today, which must be signed and returned by Thursday. IF there are any parents that would like to help out, please send either Sarah or myself an email! Thanks, Gina.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Buddha's Day -Multicultural Festival

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a fantastic holiday and that the Easter Bunny spoilt you! For those children that expressed interest in the Buddha Day festivities at the Fo Guang Shan Temple on Sunday 15th April, please meet Mrs Agnew at the temple in your school uniform at 8:45am. Although neither Mrs Blong nor myself are able to make it this year, it is going to be a fantastic morning where you will be able to show our community how great Willowbank School is and I am sure you will make us proud. PARENTS: More information will be made available on Saturday on the Willowbank Facebook page, but at this stage we are estimating that the children will need to be picked up at 11:30am.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Wormy Spaghetti Illustrations

Here are the illustrations to go with The Wormy Spaghetti recounts that the children in room 8 drew.

Monday, April 02, 2012

We are writing reports about Kakapo, this video might help you find some information to write about them.