Friday, June 12, 2015

Its been an EGGciting week in Kiwi

On Monday 10 fertilised eggs arrived with their incubator and brooding box.   The kids in Kiwi were pretty excited about what was about to happen and had soooo many wonderings about our new additions.
Word soon got around the school that the Kiwi classes had something exciting going on and each morning we were greeted by children (and parents) from all over the school coming to check on our eggs and chicks progress.
Hayley and Mrs Cullen won our in house guess of how many would hatch on what day (6 on Wednesday)
Its so great to see our Kiwi Kiddies be the experts and be able to answer the questions from the older kids!  During week 9 we will be continuing our inquiry into chickens and be looking at the life cycle as well as researching some of the wonderings that the kids have about our chicks.

Below are some videos we have collected so far.
A day in the life of the Chick in the incubator (if you watch closely there is a chick hatching towards the end of this clip)

For those classes that missed a hatching, here is a clip.

Kiwi will have plenty of opportunities to interact with the chicks during week 9, and other classes are invited to book in with Ms Grant if they want to visit and interact with them too.

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