Saturday, August 30, 2014

Book Character Day

What a great week we had at WBS with the Scholastic book fair visiting us, DEAR and the finale of the week being our book character parade.  The children (and teachers) went to great effort to come dressed as their favourite book character.  Well done to you all. 

Book Character Parade, WBS 2014 on PhotoPeach

Calendar Art

The children in room 21 have worked very hard on their calendar art this year and they have done a fantastic job.
Orders for these are due by next Friday, the 5th September.  If you have lost your order form, contact me via email and I will send another home with your child. 

Room 21s Calendar Art, 2014 on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cross Country and Fathers Day Breakfast.

Cross country is on Week 7, Tuesday 2nd September and the savings day is Friday 5th September (also Fathers day breakfast day). 
Fathers Day breakfast and the annual paper plane competition, is on Friday 5th September from 7:30-8:30 in the hall.  There will be cereal, toast, sausages and tea and coffee.  Don't forget your gold coins for the raffles. 
We look forward to seeing you at both events! 

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Book Week

This week is the start of Book Week at Willowbank School, YAY!!! 
We will be having the Scholastic Book Fair on site from this Thursday.  The opening times are before school 8:30-9, during lunch from 12:45-1:25 and again after school from 3-3:30 from the 14th until the 21st of August! 

Our Onesie/PJ night is on Monday 18th August from 5pm-7pm.  Come along to hear stories read by the awesome WBS teachers in Tuatara for Y0-3 and in Kakapo for Y4-6. The Book Fair will also be open as well as the 'Coffee Man' and a sausage sizzle!

Gabs and Mace getting ready for Onesie night! 

The book character parade is on Friday the 22nd August from 9am (Parents please come along if you're free to see all the amazing costumes and if you're daring enough you can dress up yourself!) Kids get your thinking caps on! :o)

This week we will also be starting our DEAR (Drop Everything and READ!) I look forward to that.

If there are any parents that would like to come and read stories (in English or another language) to the children in room 21 (or in any other classes at Willowbank) please contact me via email or pop into class.
Ms. Grant.